Qur’an Classes for Men

The Qur’an Reading Classes will be re-starting from 5th October 2024 on Saturday afternoons after Zuhr Salaah (1pm). Currently we are only able to offer classes for men and hope to soon also start classes for women once we have enough interest.

It is aimed at beginners or those who may have forgotten some parts, and those who would like to correct their pronunciation. Registration will be required and this will be run as an adult madrasah. Once enrolled, regular attendance will be essential to benefit from it. There are limited places and once capacity is reached, future applications will be added to our waiting list.

The Adult classes are operated as part of our madrasah system. The financial donation for the Madrasah are set to £20 per month on or before the 1st day of every month regardless of holidays or absences. Failure to keep up payments may result in the relinquishing  space in class and offering it to others.

There is also a requirement to purchase a study book (Qaidah) for £5 on the first lesson. We will be studying through the Safar academy Qaidah syllabus.

Madrasah Bank Details:

Bank: HSBC
Account Name: Islamic Centre Edgware
Sort Code: 40-20-16
Account Number: 62008149

You can request more details by email: madrasah@islamiccentreedgware.org or call 07443 222 223.