Google Meet
At Islamic Centre Edgware, we are using Google Meet for our online classes. Joining the classes is very simple and in most cases, does not require any software installation, depending on your operating system. Google Meet is designed for the Android OS or Windows PCs and is therefore easily accessible on android phones and Windows or Linux PCs.
To log into a class, you will be sent a link which will look something like this:
You need to enter that into the address address bar of your browser (Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Brave, etc)
If it asks you to allow access to your camera or microphone, it will be necessary in order to communicate
If you are not signed into a G-Mail account you will be asked to write your name and click on ‘Ask to Join’
If you already have a google account, you will not need to write your name and can simple ‘Ask to Join’
Once you have asked to join, please be patient whilst the teacher or administrator allows you to join the class. You should only ask to join no sooner that 5 minutes before class. Once the class has started, the teacher may be pre-occupied in teaching and may take time to accept your request to enter the class, so please avoid being late.
For Apple devices, some may require the ‘Google Meet’ app from App Store.
To log into an Apple device, please enter the following into the address bar
You will then be asked to ‘Start a Meeting’ or ‘Enter a Meeting Code’
You should enter the last part of the link which in the case of is pqz-hfum-eqa
This should allow you to join the meeting as described above.
If you are still having difficulty, we suggest you create a G-Mail account and log in with the ‘Join a Meeting’ feature in the left sidebar column.
If despite this you are still having difficulty, please contact our support number on 07443 22 22 23.